A hearth was once the heart of the home as centralized heating systems were yet to be invented. Now, the hearth has moved outdoors and has become the magnet that attracts family members to gather round the fire pit.

A fire pit in the middle of the deck equally spreads the warmth around your patio and outdoor area. When the sun has set and the stars have begun twinkling in the skies, enjoy warmth while stargazing. You can use coals for a traditional fire pit or a modern fireglass for less soot. Moveable outdoor seating will also increase your comfort as you lounge and chill in your cozy deck or patio.

If you have a small space, define it while providing ample seats and conserving space by having a ledge-style seating installed. This deck maximizes the space and allows for a moveable grill or folding table to placed if it’s needed. From the seats, you can admire the side yard garden during the daytime and stargaze at night, all within the comfort and warmth provided by the nearby fire pit.

Despite the definite length, a ledge style can also encourage a cozy seating arrangement and more room to fit in people.
Aside from being a seating area, the ledge also serves a double purpose as a border keeping your lawn and garden safe from unwanted foot traffic.

Take the fire pit out of the pit and onto a table and you’ve got something that can also act as a grill right on your table. A unique and fully customized fire pit, you already have a fixed centerpiece at the end of the countertop but also a conveniently raised pit that provides warmth round the table.
See any fire pit you would like installed in your patio? Call us today for a free quote or consultation!